everything must be interpreted as intensity


everything must be interpreted as intensity focuses onto the relationship between human and animal. what is ‘the animal’ in a world where everything has been reduced to an object aimed at satisfying men’s needs? and what for consequences do current power relations have for species other than homo sapiens? inspired among others by Francis Bacon’s triptychs, by deleuze and viveiro de castro’s thoughts around human and animal, the performance consists of three visual and physical acts of violence: two individuals attempting and eventually succeeding in overruling the other one; a blood waterfall taking over the space; the drinking and wasting of 12L milk, as foolheaded portrait of overconsumption and mass production.

‘it is precisely the omission of that existential, human if too human tone that makes everything must be interpreted as intensity so interesting. If we could appreciate the intensity of other animals and things, consider ourselves as such, the world would probably look very different.’ theaterkrant

credits: concept francesca lazzeri performance hidde aans-verkade, dennis tiecken, christina flick sound designer marijn brussard production manager floor van hees, vera andeweg technician attila nemeth adviser loes van der pligt set adviser nikki hock photo bas de brouwer




an incomplete life