foundation r.e.d.
in january 2022, francesca created a foundation for her work, called foundation r.e.d.
r.e.d. is dedicated to promoting art and realising art projects, in particular those of francesca lazzeri, translating socio- political contemporary issues into simple but rich physical and visual material.

foundation r.e.d. has applied for the cultural anbi status (public benefit organisation).

general information
address: boorstraat 107, 3513se utrecht
statutory name: foundation r.e.d.
rsin or tax number: 863501102

contact details

main lines policy plan
francesca lazzeri profiles herself as a creator of highly visual and physical work. her signature is a sophisticated blend between radical, uncompromising elements and a widely accessible tone. her performances are outspoken and direct. sometimes they can be perceived as provocative, although this is more a result of her straightforward choices than something she is explicitly looking for. the setting is often 'non-theatrical', the audience is given the freedom to actively relate to the work by choosing their positions in the space, sometimes even by 'disrupting' the actions of the performers. her work is characterised by a layered simplicity that encourages the spectators to reflect and touches them on an irrational and universal level. In her aesthetic, francesca mixes roughness with beauty, hardness with poetry, directness with softness. 

with her performances, francesca aims to create a space for her audience and herself to approach complex, social and political, issues not on a brainy but on a physical level. in our society we are so overwhelmed by news and media that information can hardly touch us anymore. the maker strongly believes in the importance of finding alternative ways of acknowledging injustice, seeing the need for change, being critical and questioning given norms and values. from socially relevant themes, the maker creates visual, physical and sensory performances that strongly appeal to the audience on a physical/emotional level. in this way she opens a space for questions to settle in the body in a more intuitive way. she addresses the spectator on an existential, intimate level, by asking him/her/them to first "feel" the matter of a performance, and only then to think about it.

francesca aims to further deepen her clear artistic signature between 2022 and 2024 through three new productions and a series of complementary activities (trainings, discussions with mentors, gaining inspiration at festivals, space for exchange and conceptual research). here below a short list of the main goals and points of attention for the coming period:

- regain (inter-)national visibility, consolidate old collaborations and broaden her network, after a time of relative immobility, due partly to the pandemic;
-work inclusively and integrate diversity more actively into the team, practice and working processes. by encouraging a broad representation of cultures on stage, francesca hopes to reach the interest of a more diverse audience as well;
-as an artist to pursue a broad, hybrid creative development and to remain in dialogue with her surroundings.

in order to be able to realise her work and show it to the public, and thus to be able to take the next step in her career, francesca has set up her own foundation. a board model was chosen, so that francesca is supported and questioned by a number of specialists, both in terms of content and business. in the future the maker hopes to use foundation r.e.d. as a platform for further exchange and creation among different artists.

the foundation has a cultural anbi-status in application (public benefit organisation).

board of foundation r.e.d.
jaïr stranders (chairman)
inez coumans (treasurer)
loes van der pligt (secretary)
heleen volmans (general board member)
francesca lazzeri (general director).

foundation r.e.d. endorses the governance code culture, the code of cultural diversity and the fair practice code.  

the foundation does not (yet) receive a structural subsidy but has received and receives financial support from partners schweigman&, theaterfestival boulevard, festival cement, frascati productie, spring festival, het huis utrecht, workspacebrussels, theater rotterdam, plan talentontwikkeling brabant, and gemeente den bosch, fonds podiumkunsten (nieuwe makers regeling 2017-19).
for each production funding must be found.

remuneration of the board members
the board members receive no remuneration or attendance fees
remuneration of the management 
in accordance with the cao toneel & dans 
remuneration of the staff/performers 
in accordance with the cao toneel & dans

policy plan 2022-24
annual report 2022 (will follow)
financial statement 2022 (will follow)